24-48 hours during business days via UPS.

For Mom and Keiki, LLC is a small woman-owned DME. We are your go to for breast pumps and supplies. I originally started as a breastpump rental station in 1998 in Hawai'i. Morphed into a natural parenting boutique and now provider of durable medical equipment, specializing in breastpumps. This was a natural progression for me as I was the mother of four breastfed children. Still a mother, but no longer breastfeeding.
We have been an Attachment Parenting family, before there was an AP label. We are a retired military family having been fortunate enough to live all over the world. Our life has been full of love and chaos and at times, sadness, but we are truly blessed. For those of you who are just starting this journey into parenting...it may be cliche, but it really does only last a moment, cherish those moments. My children are adults now, on their own journeys and continuing to dance to a beat of their own drums.
The business is now settled in Yorktown, Virginia, going online in 2008. For Mom and Keiki, LLC is contracted with all regions of Tricare to provide breast pumps and supplies for military families.
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